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About Us

Love Adopt Animal Society (LAAS) is a non-profit organization established in 2015. We believe every animal's life is precious. Animals are our loyal friends. Adoption can change abandoned and stray animals’ destiny.


We aim to encourage animal adoption and improve the lives of animals by providing animal rescue, animal shelters, pet adoptions and public education. We believe that public education can eliminate misperception of stray animals.


Unlike other animal organizations, LAAS is formed by animal volunteers. Our volunteers contribute their effort to rescue and take care of animals. With limited resources, LAAS relies on public donation to support our work.


Jacqueline loves animals since she was a child. She especially concerns about stray animals. She was an experienced veterinary nurse. However, her eyesight was damaged due to work injury. Until now, her vision has only 20%.


Vision impairment does not stop Jacqueline from devoting to stray animals. She continued to rescue animals as an independent animal volunteer. However, due to the lack of resources, it is difficult for indepenent volunteers to work sustainably.  Besides, the misperception of stray animals is deeply rooted in the general public.


Therefore, Jacqueline established LAAS to collect more resources and to promote animal education.

Registered charity number: 91/14736 AFCD Exemption number: ORG-00088

Copyright 2020 Love Adopt Animal Society. All right reserved.


​以愛共融 凝聚力量 改變生命

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